I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy saving mode...
Grab a treat and take a seat!
Life is better in pyjamas!
I'll stop wearing black when they invent a darker colour!
Be the princess of your own fairy tale
No drama llama!
You are Mer-mazing
Late night memories are always the best memories.
Gotta catch em all!
Find me where the wild things are!
Don't let the muggles get you down.
Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.
To find your balance, be led by your dreams
Always be yourself unless you can be a unicorn
Wake-up & make-up
We don't camp, we glamp.
Never stop dreaming..
Football is not just a game it's my life
Every night is girls night!
I'm a gamer and proud of it!
For you I would travel all levels around the world!
Life is a gamble so roll the dice
Als je onderstaand formulier invult neem ik zo spoedig mogelijk contact met jullie op!
[email protected]
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